Mrs Melanie Fidge
Head of Junior School
Meet the Head
I am delighted to take up the post of Head of Junior School and I bring with me a wealth of experience and expertise in primary education gained both internationally and in the UK.
I strongly believe that every child has the right to a happy, healthy and fulfilling school experience. In the Junior School, our exceptional staff team ensures that all children love to learn, reach their academic potential, show curiosity and explore their passions. At the same time, we guide them to show tremendous kindness and care towards each other and the wider world. This is a truly inclusive community, and we work closely with families to ensure that every child has a positive school experience with plenty of opportunities for joy, laughter and success.
Arrange a visitInternational School Life
The school day is structured into six fifty minute periods, with two break times, an hour for lunch and story time at the end of each day. The day runs from 8.45am to
3.25pm (for Years 2 and 3) or 3.30pm (for Years 4 to 6) with after school clubs and activities taking place each evening until 4.45pm.

We follow the National Curriculum used in England where English and Mathematics are taught every day. Science, History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology and Computing are all taught through a topic based approach in short or long units. There are key objectives that are taught through the lessons and each lesson is tailored to suit the learning ability within a class. In addition, we have specialist teachers delivery Art, Music, PE and Languages.
Children learn to work in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect and can enjoy an extensive programme of extracurricular activities and there are dedicated music rooms for private music tuition.