b'The NewsJunior SchoolYear 4 Year 5Year 4 has been extremelyThe summer term has busy this term, and all pupilsbeen fun-filled and should be proud of the hardexciting in Year 5. work they have done.The children climbed, tried their hand at Camp was definitely the highlight, pupilsarchery and completed many team-building braved the depths of the woodland, learningactivities during their camp in Overasselt. bush crafts, fire making and den building.They particularly enjoyed playing games In our Stitch in Time topic, pupils lovedtogether and exploring the localresearching and creating garmentswoodland environment. from different periods of time.In English, they read The Hobbit, using the Designing our own tie-die t-shirts andMirkwood Forest section as a stimulus forrecycling old clothes changed the way pupilstheir own creative writing. look at clothes by learning how we can helpIn their Geography topic, the children the planet by being more sustainable.examined the features of rivers and We finished the year looking at electricity,mountains and researched significant with pupils making their own workingmountains and rivers in more detail. circuit and light flashing board game.In their History topic, the children have A marvellous end to the school year. learnt about the Anglo-Saxons. In Science, the topic of forces created opportunities to explore friction, gravity and air resistance with practical investigations. It was an excellent end to a fabulous year!10'