b"The NewsJunior School Issue 11 The British School of AmsterdamJunior School Year 2 Year 3This term we have been The term kicked off when they receivedEnglish lessons this term left the children so pleased to be back in our a letter from Rosie Revere the Engineer.feeling hungry as Cloudy With A Chance She tasked them with the challenge of findingof Meatballs was the focus text. normal routines again.out how she could power her engine-less car.The book really ignited the childrens imaginations The children carried out a series of experimentsand helped inspire their creative writing. to deepen their understanding of differentThe creativity continued as they prepared for This term we have been so pleased to be back in our normalmaterials and their absorption properties. routines again. Despite the rather choppy start to the termDuring math lessons, they learnt about 3Dtheir show Hoodwinked. The children have been with home learning, classes in and out of quarantine andshapes and programmed Bee-Bots to navigatelearning lines, organising costumes and set design getting to grips with another wave of Covid, we have had amazes whilst recording the different directionsand working hard to learn all of the songs!really good term of learning across all of the Junior classes. they took and altered their programming toIn music lessons, Year 3 learnt about Melodic suit the various routes they explored. Ostinato's and kept repeated patterns going, Year 5 and Year 3 have both produced some excellentMusic lessons focused on developing the childrenseven when there was more than one melody. shows, we celebrated Book Week across the school andunderstanding of rhythm; they created their ownArt lessons focused on colour mixing and were thought about our wellbeing with yoga and springtimerhythm patterns using different words and sounds.inspired by the popular story The Dot.walks in the local area in Wellbeing Week. The YMBSAThey learnt how to conduct and developed their also presented a wonderful concert showcasing someskills in delivering feedback to others about theirThe children made their own shops to buy and sell of the many talents of our young musicians in theperformances. Some of the rhythm patterns werethings using their developing knowledge of how Wind in the Willows Fantasy Concert in March. very complicated but practice makes perfect, andto use money. We encourage the children to help the children certainly rose to the challenge. when they go to the shops to give them real-life The School Council and The Eco Squad havecontext by paying for items, counting the change and been busy thinking of more they can do to helpArt lessons were just as engaging, and the childrenchecking receipts to make sure the numbers add up.improve our school, and we now have new recyclingenjoyed working with clay. They made pinchEach week during the Achievement Assemblies, the resources for paper, pens, ink and glue sticks!pots which eventually were transformed intolast class to be pulled out of the Star Achievers hat clay animalsimpressive! PE lessons focusedget to take home Harriot (the hammerhead shark) Lots of great topics have taken place over the term, and weon developing teamwork; Year 2 engaged with have really enjoyed all being back in assembly together again.a wide range of activities to help develop theirand Year 3 have been lucky enough to have Harriot coordination and spatial awareness as well ascared for in a couple of classes and one class even Many thanks to all the staff for their continuing hardgiving them lots of opportunities to work withgot to take home Ringo (the flamingo) too!work across all year groups, for pulling together as aothers and identify their strengths as a team.team and keeping us all afloat through the winter. YEAR 2IN CLASS Enjoy the Easter break and here's to a wonderful (warm) Summer Term.MR STUART MAYVICE PRINCIPAL & HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOLYEAR 3IN CLASS s.may@britams.nl YEAR 4IRON MAN YEAR 2CLAY WORK YEAR 3ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLY8 9"