b"The NewsJunior School Issue 15 The British School of AmsterdamYear 5 Science DayYear 5 produced a fabulous show ofScience Day took place onPeter Pan. The children worked hard26 January and was organisedto learn their lines, songs and usedto promote the importance of movement across the stage to bringScience in the modern world. the J.M. Barrie play to life. ThereIt also provided an opportunity for the Year 4 was barely a dry eye in the theatre.Year 6 children to showcase their learning. In topic, they learnt about the Shang DynastyEach year group explored a different Science All pupils should be congratulated forby exploring the jobs people would have hadYear 6 started this term withTheme, ranging from how light travels to and their positions in society. They exploreda healthy eating themed sandwich making their hard work and positive mindset.an interesting and thought- session. The pupils were given the freedom differences and similarities with other time Book Week was a huge success. Pupilsperiods. The children researched the physicalprovoking visit to the Resistanceto explore their chosen topic through a range of practical activities, including came to school dressed as their favouriteand human geography of modern China andMuseum to conclude their Historyexperiments and research projects.book character, competed in their Houseproduced fantastic information texts. topic on World War Two.One of the highlights of the week was the Team for the book week quiz and took partIn their Science topic of Earth and Space, in the book swap, where pupils broughtthey learnt about our Sun (a star), EarthThey then studied the Ancient Greeks. Inopportunity for children in different age in a book and swapped it for another. (and our Moon), and other planets in ourEnglish they looked in detail at the myth ofgroups to share their Science learning with Strange things occurred in Year 4 thissolar system. They visited the Space ExpoTheseus and the Minotaur focusing on howone another. It was a great chance for pupils term. Lily pads were strewn across theMuseum to further enrich this learning. Into create suspense and excitement in theirto practice their communication skills and to corridor but not a drop of water in sight!Design and Technology, they created collagesown writing, and in their Topic work theyshowcase their knowledge to a new audience.Fortunately, a detective and a policemanof different space designs and then useddesigned and created their own maskstheThe week provided an excellent opportunity for were on hand to lead the investigation, eventheir sewing skills to depict this in fabric.finished products were very impressive andour pupils to develop their scientific knowledge the local press turned up. Expert witnesseshave transformed the Year 6 corridor. and skills and to share their learning with others.included a sleepy man, just having had hisIn Art, they painted Greek Gods and Goddesses breakfast, and a rather talented sniffer dog.and learnt different techniques (wet on wet, The pupils offered a range of theories towet on dry) and used different brushes (round, unravel the unusual threads of this mystery. fan and flat brushes) as well as several types Passport to Europe was an exciting Geographyof paint to make their paintings come to life.topic. In this unit, the pupils located differentSwimming lessons ended for Year 6, and the countries and capital cities across Europe.teachers were proud of all the children's efforts. They used maps to identify physical andMany of the children received diplomas over the human features of a chosen Europeancourse of the lessons and everyone was keen country, and each pupil produced a non- to improve their swimming technique as well chronological fact file about their country. as develop and practice their life-saving skills.10 11"