b'The NewsSenior School Issue 15 The British School of AmsterdamSki trip to Verbier Geography field-For many pupils the ski trip to Verbier wastrip to Rotterdamtheir first experience of a residential school trip, and this exciting opportunity also meant someYear 11 Geography pupils went to Rotterdam pupils were having to deal with being awayfor a field-trip accompanied by Mr Eason from their family for the first time, becomingand Ms. Parker. Over the course of the day more independent, confident and self-reliant. the pupils conducted various activities.It was amazing to see how caring the pupils wereObservations were made about how Rotterdam has for each other when someone was feeing homesick,tried to mitigate the problems of flooding, such as tired, ill or injured. We saw new friendships developdrainage pipes, vegetation being planted, rip rap etc. throughout the week as the pupils learned in groups that they would not normally have found themselvesThe pupils practised river measurements and specifically in during a typical school week. Communication skillsthe speed of flow of a river- the Nieuwe Maas. were developed as they supported each other whilstThis was done by measuring the length of the bank skiing or during the aprs ski activities. Over half of thebetween two bridges- Willemsbrug and Erasmusbrug. pupils we took on the trip were beginners, and we wereSome pupils threw oranges into the river off one bridge amazed to see how quickly they adapted to the newwhilst others measured how long it took to get to the environment and were able to organise themselves withother bridge. This was to determine the speed of flow. their equipment ready for each new day on the piste. The hypothesis was: the water flows quickest in the During a residential week skiing everyone getscentre of the channel. We did, however, discover theThe hypothesis was: the closer towards Central to know each other better as everyone is facedproblem of tides and how this affected the rate ofStation from Erasmus University, the more signs with the same slope-side challenges. It is valuableflow and therefore, the progression of the oranges. of globalisation and commercial activity there is.for the pupils to see that the teachers also haveThe pupils went on a sense of place walk.This hands-on experience benefited the pupils to face their fears with the same grit that theyThis involved observing and noting down signsas it brings Geography alive. It helps them to are applying themselves. The collaboration andof globalisation and commercialisation.be more observant and better geographers.improved relationships whilst working together are then taken back to the classroom and continues to benefit learning long after the snow has melted.If you want to read about some of the stories and see more photos from our week in Verbier, pleaseMediamatic Visittake a look at the 2023 Ski Blog on firefly. Mediamatic is a centrededicated to showcasingMaths Competitions new developments in society.Nineteen pupils were very successful in theThe aim of this visit was to reinforce GCSE Nederlands Wiskunde Olympiade and haveScience learning about the use of glasshouses for crop production, and how knowledge of genetics, been invited to the next level of the competitionbiotechnology and plant breeding can increase crop at the VU, Amsterdam on 10 March. yield. Mediamatic is run organically and yet we were able to explore all of these concepts, first hand.In the UK competition, we have unprecedented success with7 gold winners, 8 silver and 9 bronze. Two of the gold stars haveWe toured the clean lab, garden area with raised been invited through to the next level. Tom Lockwood, who got herb and vegetable beds, the aquaponics greenhouse, "Best in School" and Daniel Patron-Becken, will now face the followed by an exploration of some current Art-Hamilton Maths Challenge. Science exhibits within the main building. The day ended with a drink and light meal in the For the younger years, they\'ll not be missing out in all thegreenhouse restaurant, watching the sunset over competition fun as they\'ll soon be competing in the COBIScentral Amsterdam, before heading home.Maths All Stars Cup.16 17'