b'The NewsEarly Years School Issue 15 The British School of AmsterdamReception Captain Green not wasting paper and remembering to recycle their rubbish. The children and the Plastic Sceneare proud that their lunch boxes and The children in Reception have beenwater bottles are reusable and know learning all about how they can helpthat this is better for our environment.to care for our world. Our topic gotThe children have been very busy off to an exciting start with a virtualfinding different ways to share their visit from Evelyn Bookless, the authorknowledge, as they want to help of the book Captain Green and theeveryone learn about waste too. They Plastic Scene. She read her story tohave been so creative, making special the children, shared facts about thewatches just like Captain Green, so waste that is ending up in our oceansthey could role play coming to the and the damage this can cause. Theaid of animals who are in trouble. children were shocked by the factsThey have also created large art they learned and are concerned forpieces of sea creatures using plastic the animals that share our world. waste. Using their literacy skills They believe that they can change thethe children have written letters to world and have decided to becomethe Earth and made speech bubbles superheroes who help to keep ourwith messages about recycling.Earth healthy. They learnt about andThe children would like you to all do investigated lots of different ways thatyour little bit too, so please remember they can help, like saving electricity,to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.Year 1The Four SeasonsThe children in Year 1 proudlyAs well as singing the childrenBook Week presented their concert The Fouralso recited some wonderful Seasons to a very appreciative audience.poems; learning a text by heartBook week in the Early Years started with a fantastic It was a very exciting experience forencouraged thought about voice, the children; the first time performingpitch, volume and inflection, alsodress up day, with pyjamas and bedtime bears in altogether as a year group and the firstspeaking together and in time. Year 1, Superheroes in Reception and in Nursery time on the stage in the school theatre. Performing to a room full of expectantThe teachers were very proud ofchildren dressed as a character from a favourite book. faces brought nerves and worries forthe children and by the sound of the some but they all coped excellently. applause at the end, the parents wereMany parents came to read stories, both familiar titles and traditional tales also very impressed. A special thankfrom around the world. The children were fascinated to hear so many different The children learnt songs related toyou goes to Mrs. Stout, our musiclanguages and very happy to have their Mum or Dad come into class. the seasons Spring, Summer, Autumnteacher for teaching the childrenThe big children from the Junior school also came to share books with and Winter. Each class focused on onethe songs and for making it a veryus and proudly show off their reading skills to our younger children and season and dressed up in clothes relatedenjoyable first experience for thethe Year 1 children were proud to read to the Year 2 children too.to it. We had sun hats, sunglasses,children, who we hope are inspired sun dresses, raincoats, rubber boots,and encouraged to return to theThe activities throughout the week linked to our love of books hats, scarves and woolly jumpers.stage again in the near future. and stories and resulted in some great artwork. In Reception there was even an online chat with a real live author, Evelyn Bookless who wrote Captain Green and the Plastic Machine, the inspiration for their current topic.6 7'