b"Issue 17 The British School of AmsterdamYear 6 MusicIts been an action-packedYear 2started the year by finding the beat in a start to the year for the Juniorrange of songs, rhymes and pieces of instrumental School's oldest children. music. They walked and clapped to the beat but also found many other ways to use body percussion Existing prefect records have been smashed withto keep the beat. They then used the same songs 58 children from the year group successfullyand rhymes to learn about the rhythm of words. applying in September. We now have manyThey practised switching between tapping the prefects who help around the school in differentbeat and clapping the rhythm of the words. They ways every day. From hearing readers to houserepeated this activity using untuned percussion point collection - they never seem to stop!instruments. After mastering the difference The children have learnt so much this year already,between the beat and the rhythm, the children and started by learning about coastlines and howlearnt how to use 'walk and 'jogging stick they can be affected by erosion. They investigatednotation to create their own short rhythms. different types of coastal defences and exploredAfter half-term the children began to prepare for which were the most effective by creating andthe Year 2 Concert on 13 and 14 December.testing their own models. The topic culminated in aYear 6were offered a unique opportunity to visit to the world-famous Delta Works, in Zeeland,visit a record pressing factory in Haarlem owned where the children saw coastal defences in action. by a Year 6 parent, Mr Mohaupt, and also to In connection with our Coasts topic, therecord two songs in their recording studio. Mr children also wrote diaries based on the novel,Mohaupt very kindly began with a tour to show Floodland, a survival story set in a worldus the process of producing a vinyl record from where sea-levels have risen dramatically.the recording studio stage, to making the master They also wrote newspaper reports based oncopy and pressing and packaging the records. the unexpected arrival of a refugee and theWe then went to the studio and Year 6 did a reactions of the locals in the picture book,brilliant job of singing their chosen songs and The Island. The children explored how the usebeing professional studio artists! They also of bias can influence readers of the news. designed the artwork for the record and Mr Mohaupt's factory are pressing and producing 200 copies of the recording. We are expecting the 7 inch vinyl single anytime now and we hope it will be a big BSA Christmas hit!11"