b"The NewsJunior SchoolYear 4 Year 5It has been an extremely busyYear 5 continue to impress and term in Year 4, and all pupilsinspire with their hard work and should be proud of the hardcommitment to their learning.work they have put in.In the first half-term of science, they learnt The term started with the invasion of theabout their heart and digestive system and Romans as pupils learnt about Roman life andthis was brought to life with our fabulous trip how the empire became so vast. Roman Dayto the Corpus Museum. This half-term, they and the trip to Archeon were the highlights ofhave explored different properties of materials the term; experiencing life as a Roman soldier,and carried out several experiments including practising marching, battling in the sports halllooking at reversible and irreversible changes. and making different shield formations. LaterIn English, in the first half-term, they enjoyed they made their own mosaics and sampled somestudying There is a Boy in the Girls Bathroom Roman delicacies during our Roman day feast.and produced some lovely pieces of writing This term the children have been readingincluding a persuasive letter as to why Bradley The Iron Man by Ted Hughs. The pupils haveshould be given a gold star. This half-term, been practicing writing in a similar style to thethey have been exploring the historical text of author, by looking at a wide range of differentOliver Twist and have used their understanding language techniques. Pupils held town meetingsof the book and the Victorian Era to write to discuss what should be done with The Ironnewspaper reports and diary recounts in role. Man and wrote their own resolutions. PupilsLearning about the Victorian Era has highlighted made extremely detailed pop-up books andthe differences between children's lives now re-created scenes from the first chapter usingand then, especially if you were poor. Year 5 an application on the Ipad called 'I can Animate'. have also discovered how many of the things In the second half of the term, Year 4 finishedwe still enjoy today were invented during with excitement and colour by performing theirthis time-period. Our 'Victorian Day where incredible show The Wind in the Willows. Allthey explore a day in the life of a Victorian pupils worked tirelessly for 5 weeks, and theirchild helps fully immerse them in history.singing, dancing and acting was a sight to behold. Their final night performance was a triumph, which goes to show that hard work can pay off.YEAR 4 YEAR 510"