b'Issue 14 The British School of Amsterdam STUDENT COMMENTS: "I enjoyed meeting other delegatesfrom other schools, I understood the concept of the MUN with no experience, I enjoyed taking part in the debate and working on the amendments." Model United Nations CircuitSaturday 8 October saw our first foray into theModel United Nations circuit (MUN) for 20222023. 11 students were able to experience the cutThe main intention of MINIMUN is to prepare and thrust of debating under strict MUN rulesstudents with less MUN experience by giving them and guidance and they were brilliant at boththe opportunity to develop and improve on their representing the BSA and themselves. It wasdebating skills before they face the demands of a real pleasure to see them shine in what canlarger conferences such as THIMUN. It also gives be an intimidating environment, especially asbeginning chairs the opportunity to work with many of them had never taken part before.those more experienced, and to polish their skills.MINIMUN began in 1986 as a one-day, THIMUN-sponsored, conference in which students could gain experience in debating world issues in General Assembly committees as well as in the Security Council and ECOSOC. From its small, local beginnings it now also attracts schools from other countries.17'