b"The NewsJunior SchoolSchool Council and Eco SquadThis term, each class have elected a new school council member to represent them and attend weekly council meetings. School Council and Eco Squad are important parts of our Junior School life. Our School Council representatives share theOur Eco Squad have also been very busy raising our childrens ideas about school developmentenvironmental awareness of single use packaging and co-ordinate fundraising events.and the impact that this has on our planet. Eco Squad work together to make our school a moreThe Eco Squad have been discussing the well-Eco-friendly place and help educate us about howknown phrase 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' and have we can make a difference to the world we live in.decided to highlight the fact that the word 'reduce' The groups meet in two groups: childrenis the first step and the most important factor. The from Year 2 and 3 meet together and childrenchildren spent a day collecting single use packaging from Years 4,5, and 6 meet together. during a single snack and lunch time to illustrate the quantity of waste that we are producing. Our School Council have organised an OddIn the coming weeks, the Eco Squad will be Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week and helped toencouraging the school to make small changes to promote the charity Shoe Box Appeal. In additiontheir daily life through the concept 'a teaspoon of to this, they have also organised a Pyjama Daychange', meaning that small yet meaningful changes to and bake sale to raise money for Children inour lifestyles can make a big impact on the world.Need. They successfully made over 1000! They also work hard to keep the playground a fun and enjoyable place to spend break-times. Their next project will be another exciting fundraising event during the Winter Fair.12"