b'The NewsSenior SchoolWorld Mental Health WeekThe Senior School markedWorld Mental Health Dayon 10 October with a Mental Health Awareness Week. The Sixth Form Wellbeing Committee took thelead and chose Stress as our focus. During the YMBSA Recital week, forms learnt about what stress is, reflected upon their own stress levels and considered how they manage stress. Together we created a display toin the Globeshowcase how pupils find sunshine when it is raining. The Sixth Form Committee also used assembliesThis Autumn saw the to talk openly with students about their ownintroduction of a new exciting experience of stress and gave personal suggestions about how to manage difficult times.series of solo and chamber In November it was Stress Awareness Day, somusic concerts in the Globe. we had an opportunity to continue exploring thisThe October Recital featured performances topic. KS3 students understood the power ofby BSA singers, cellists, harpists and pianists. It movement in managing stress, through dancingwas a fantastic evening. A highlight also included to good music and following a Tai Chi class.a singing ensemble performance of Simon and In Year 11, the School Counsellors joined PSHEGarfunkels, Bridge Over Troubled Waters, lessons to help students understand how theyaccompanied by their singing teacher.can manage stress, both in the longer termThe November evening featured another group of in preparation for their exams, and shortstudents, this time on flute, clarinet, guitar and piano. term stress whilst sitting their exams.The evening again showcased solo performances, Self Esteem was chosen by the Sixth Form as theincluding original songs by Leyla and Mishika from focus for Wellbeing Mondays this term and asyear 7, Gershwin on trumpet by James from year 13, forms, they used some material to understandas well as classical, blues and jazz performances by and reflect on their own self-esteem and waysthe very talented group of students from all years.in which they can raise and maintain it. The recitals mostly feature pupils taking music lessons as part of the Young Musicians BSA (YMBSA). These recitals allow our junior and senior students to perform with their studio classes, students of the same teacher, as well with as other instrumentalists. This is often inspiring and instructive. Congratulations to all our students and teachers involved. We look forward with great expectation to next years recitals in January, February and May. Everyone is most welcome, and we hope to see you there. For further information, please email ymbsa@britams.nl.18'