b'Issue 19 The British School of AmsterdamYear 5 Year 6Camp was a huge successThe camp in Ommen was a and the group enjoyed manyfabulous week for Year 6 and it sunny days in nature. started with some raft building The pupils demonstrated their well-developednear the river and team games.teamwork skills when participating in the highPupils showed incredible perseverance with the ropes challenge and the large scale obstacleclimbing activities and moved around the different course. They listened to what was expected ofheights and levels of challenges with agility and them and how they could challenge themselvesconfidence. One of the highlights of the week was to overcome fear and complete the tasks.the use of the grounds of the accommodation; Problem solving and logical thinking wastrampolines, woodlands, a badminton court and required during the escape room activity whichdifferent pitches for everyone to play games and although, at first, seemed like an impossibleenjoy some downtime outside with their friends. task, everyone worked together to solve. The camp took place in a beautiful woodlandYear 6 were also fortunate to see some new environment and the pupils enjoyed the freedombaby frogs jumping around the reeds and grasses! they were given to explore and play in theTowards the end of the week away, the pupils space. It was also a chance for them to applycompleted a hike to the dunes and an orienteering their geography learning about environmentalactivity around the local pedestrianised town features in a real life context, which brought thecentre.Despite the challenges of the changeable classroom learning alive and reignited interestweather, the pupils demonstrated resilience and eagerness to explore this learning further. and sense of adventure throughout the week. It was wonderful to see the kindness and support that Year 6 showed to one another as they collaborated in their group activities.11'