b"The NewsJunior SchoolThe Junior SchoolWelcome to our Summer Term edition of The Review; here are just some of the highlights of a wonderful term of learning and enrichment opportunities across the Junior School!It has been a wonderful year in the Junior School, with the Summer Term offering so many opportunities for pupils and staff to share new experiences and enjoy plenty of learning adventures. This term has seen the pupils showcase their creative skills, interests and passions in a wide range of curriculum and extra-curricular activities which we know you will enjoy reading about. Camps and away days were a real success; the staffing teams worked tirelessly and the pupils responded brilliantly by immersing themselves positively in all the activities. This combined community effort of staff and pupils sharing learning experiences sums up the whole year for me. I would like to say thank you to all the staff for all their hard work this year and KING'S DAY to parents for all your support within our school community. We are saying farewell to some amazing staff members this summer including Mrs Lockwood who is returning to the UK, Mr Hore-Lacy who is moving back to Australia and Ms Laidlaw who is moving to the UK. Mr Raats will be undertaking a Masters and Ms Sudupe will be returning to Spain. We wish them good luck with their next chapters and are so very grateful for their unwavering commitment to providing the highest quality of teaching and pastoral care for each and every pupil in their care.We wish our Year 6s all the very best as they move over to Senior School. They have been such a brilliant year group and we will miss them greatly. We also say a fond farewell to pupils who are moving on to different countries and places this summer. Please remember that you will always be a part of The BSA family UKULELE WORKSHOP and do stay in touch. We hope that the 2023-24 Yearbook will provide you with some lovely memories of your time in the Junior School. Finally, I would like to offer my personal thanks as I reach the end of my first school year at The BSA. This is truly a nurturing Junior School community and I have greatly valued the sustained support from parents, pupils and staff. Every day has offered moments of joy and laughter. Wishing you all wonderful summer adventures and looking forward to welcoming you back in September.SPORTS DAY MELANIE FIDGEHEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL8"