b"The NewsExtra-Curricular Extra-Curricular ProgrammesOur Extra-Curricular Programme allows pupils to explore their interests and passions outside of the classroom and develop new skills.That is why we are thrilled to announce that our Extra-Curricular Programme has been more vibrant and diverse than ever before this academic year. We have introduced an unprecedented number of activities (+33% overall average within the 3 sections of the school), providing our pupils with a renewed wealth of opportunities to explore their pursuits. Activities such as our new EYS and Juniors Science clubs, our AI or inline skating workshops and our popular Senior Drama Club provide the perfect foundation to allow pupils to challenge themselves, gain new skills and, above all, have fun. With an increased range of competitions added to the mix, such as football, karate, Irish dancing, netball or table tennis, pupils are not only honing their abilities but also learning the invaluable lessons of teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship.The programme is designed to enrich the lives ofWe place you and your child at the very centre of our pupils, ensuring they gain both academically andeverything we offer. Our extra-curricular activities are personally. This year, all stakeholders were given thecrafted to foster a growth mindset, encouraging pupils chance to provide feedback on the Programme. Feedbackto step out of their comfort zones, embrace challenges, from parents, pupils, teachers and club leaders has beenand celebrate their achievements. We have articulated overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the joy and growtha Programme that covers five different areas (Active & that these activities bring. Parents have praised thesports, Arts & creative, Academic achievement, Wellbeing programme for its variety and the positive impact it hasand Service and community) to ensure that there is had on their children. Pupils themselves have shared theirsomething for everyone, so that every pupil can find their excitement and satisfaction, enjoying not only the fun andpassion and thrive.camaraderie but also the tangible improvements in their skills and confidence.Many more changes are on the horizon to make our Extra-Curricular offerings even more dynamic and Teachers and Club Leaders have noted the remarkableengaging. With the continued support of our community, progress and enthusiasm shown by participants,we look forward to an even brighter future, where every which is a testament to the programme's success. Wechild can explore, learn, and grow in the most fulfilling are immensely grateful to their dedication, whoseways possible.commitment and passion have been instrumental in delivering these exceptional experiences.20"