b'Issue 19 The British School of AmsterdamYear 2The pupils have enjoyedYear 2 Choirlearning about the GreatThe Year 2 Choir was formed Fire of London this term.in January. The pupils learned The history topic is packed with interesting facts, dramatic role play activities, real life case studieshow to stand in a comfortable and the chance for them to recreate a Londonsinging position and about the street filled complete with Tudor houses.importance of warming up their The pupils learned how to read timelines tobodies and voice before singing.help understand when this historic event took place. Writing lessons are centered aroundAt the end of the Spring Term the choir this stimulus as the pupils become newspapergave their first performance to parents reporters, learning the skills they need toand to the rest of the year group. explain the events in the journalistic style.This was such a success that we repeated Interesting vocabulary is explored to engage thethe concert for the Early Years children reader and explain how the events of the Greatand their teachers. The choir sang their Fire unfolded. As part of this inspiring topic, thenew repertoire at International Day and classes visited our school kitchen to learn aboutthe Summer Celebration Concert.fire safety and see an industrial oven which may be similar to the one used in Thomas Farriners bakery on Pudding Lane. During this visit, the children asked questions and took notes like reporters do before writing factual articles.9'