b'Issue 19 The British School of AmsterdamTedx Youth Fever.coming to The BSA Set the date in your calenders now: Friday 22 November 2024 - TEDxBSA Youth. As a forward looking, forward thinking school, it isAs part of this, Melanie Stehmeier (School Counsellor)no wonder we are already setting the stage for The who recently presented a TEDx Youth Talk on Beyond BSA Senior Schools maiden voyage into TEDx YouthBorders: Unlocking the Power of Connection: How territory. Having secured a license from TEDx, home toVulnerability can Combat the Youth Mental Health the famous TED Talks where you discover ideas worthCrisiswill be running monthly workshops to impart her sharing, a determined and committed group of Seniorknowledge and wisdom, from both the professional training School students, along with Miss Fawbert Mills (Seniorshe underwent as well as the experience of speaking on English Teacher) have been meeting this term to putstage at CREA, Amsterdam. We welcome all Year 10, together a timeline and lift the sails ready for next term. 11, 12 and 13 students, as they begin to consider their As part of this important event, we will ensure wefutures. In November, a time when we are increasingly have a selection of talks that inspire. Our innovativefaced with Becoming adults in a changing world, let speakers will be from all walks of life, includingus assemble to contemplate a world beyond tomorrow, our own talented BSA student speakers.a world beyond our imaginings, a world beyond limits.As part of this journey, they will be supported by oneJoin us in offering the adults of tomorrow the another and a group of volunteer staff coaches. Ouropportunity to be empowered. If you are interested goal is to nurture resilience, reflection and confidencein being part of this event, as a sponsor, speaker or in a supportive and challenging environment. supporter, please get in touch - tedxbsa@britams.nl.15'