b'The NewsSenior SchoolStudent Leader InitiativesThis year our student leaders have planned, led and delivered an array of excellent events.We had Cultural Day across the entire school, this was a day that was launched by the student leaders last year and was such a success, it has now become a firm favourite on the calendar. The beautiful assortment of clothing worn by our students to showcase the diverse cultures represented in the school was incredible to see.In addition, we also had our Mario Cart Tournament which had students (and staff) battling head-to-head for first place in the grand finale earlier this term. Congratulations to all of our participants and the winners.Eco InitiativeWritten by Irena (Year 10 student)Year 10 prefects organised a Vondelpark clean-up for theGroups were encouraged to look out for birds for a bingo Year 9s in partnership with the organisation Serve theorganised by Ms. Shah while they walked for around an City, a nonprofit in Amsterdam which provideshour and a half. opportunities to help out in the local community inWe had a nice snack at the end when all of the groups had various ways.met up and we weighed each groups litter bags to see A representative came to school to talk to us about thewho had collected the most. The winning group had value of the event and how to pick litter safely andaround 17.7kg of litter! Well done to all who participated. respectfully. They supplied us with litter pickingWe look forward to continuing this tradition in future equipment. We walked to the Vondelpark to make theyears. event as sustainable as possible, and then we separated into groups led by prefects and teachers. 18'