b'Issue 179 The British School of AmsterdamEmpowering Parents: Recent Informative TalksWe understand that parenting is a journey filled with both joys and challenges.To support our diverse community of parents, we recentlyJantien Knoester, an Educational Psychologist and hosted a series of informative talks designed to provideOccupational Therapist, who has supported students at practical insights and strategies for effective parenting.our school for many years, gave a wide-ranging series of Living overseas, far from the support of family and friendstalks. Alongside Educational Scientist, Lenneke van Keulen, it is easy to feel isolated. These sessions aimed toJantien provided advice on developing independence skills empower parents with knowledge and create a supportiveand dealing with challenging behaviours, using the environment for sharing experiences and solutions. principles of positive discipline, focusing on fostering a We began with a talk from Online Safety Specialist Alanrespectful and cooperative family environment. Parents Mackenzie, with tips on where to find information onlearned practical strategies to encourage good behaviour age-appropriate games and websites, and on how to set upwithout resorting to punishment. They also gave talks on parental controls. He also talked about the importance ofpromoting healthy eating and sleeping habits with tips on balancing technology use with other activities to ensurehelping children to listen to their bodies and understand childrens overall wellbeing. what their body needs, whilst accepting that there will always be times for treats and late nights on special Melanie Stehmeier our School Counsellor gave a seriesoccasions.of talks on supporting childrens mental health. SheWe are already planning an expanded range of talks for highlighted the significance of active listening and empathythe coming year and look forward to continuing to build a in parent-child relationships and the need to help childrenrange of tools to support parents in helping their children develop emotional intelligence and resilience. Sheto be happy, healthy and successful pupils. suggested ways to support children in managing stress and anxiety, which is particularly relevant in todays fast-paced world.7'