b'The NewsSenior SchoolThe Senior SchoolAs we look back on this remarkable term, I am filled with gratitude for the collective efforts of our school community. This past term has been one of focus and dedication for students in Year 11, 12 and 13 as they prepared for and sat their GCSE, AS, and A Level examinations. They have conducted themselves impeccably throughout and we wish them all the very best as they await their results which come out in August.Among these exams, we have also had a plethora of trips, visits, and events that have provided enriching opportunities for our students. We hope you enjoy reading about some of these in our final magazine of the year.For our Year 13 graduates and students from across the school who are leaving The BSA at the end of the year, we wish you every success as you continue on your educational journey in a new setting. Whether you are YEAR 13 FAREWELL moving to a new school, university, or the world of work you will remain an important part of the history of The BSA and we would love to hear about your successes in the future.To all of our staff, thank you for your commitment to our students and our community this year. The time, energy, and dedication you have shown daily is inspiring and I know I speak for many of our students when I say thank you for all that you do. For those who are moving on to new and exciting opportunities, we wish you all the best and will keep many fond memories of your time here with us all.To our parents, thank you for your support and diverse contributions across the year. It has been wonderful getting to know so many of you and seeing you at the array of events that we have had the pleasure of hosting. ENRICH YOUR FUTURE I wish our entire community a restful and enjoyable summer and I look forward to seeing many of you back in school in September.NICOLA MEIKLEHEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOLYEAR 13 GRADUATION14'